#Americans #XXCentury #1993 #ThePleasuresOfTheDamned
unaccountably we are alone forever alone and it was meant to be that way, was never meant
she’s up seeing my doctor trying to get some diet pills; she’s not fat, she needs the speed… I go down to the nearest bar and w… at 3:30 in the afternoon of a tues…
my daughter is most glorious. we are eating a takeout snack in my car in Santa Monica.
They are building a house half a block down and I sit up here with the shades down listening to the sounds,
It was Christmas season and I learned from the drunk up the hill, who did the trick every Christmas, that they would hire damned near anybody, and so I went and the next thing I knew I ...
stew at noon, my dear; and look: the ants, the sawdust, the mica plants, the shadows of banks like bad jokes; do you think we’ll hear
think of the beds used again and again to fuck in to die in. in this land
great writer remains in bed shades down doesn’t want to see anyone doesn’t want to write anymore doesn’t want to try anymore;
30 dogs, 20 men on 20 horses and o… and look here, they write, you are a dupe for the state, the… you are in the ego-dream, read your history, study the monet…
this head like a saucer decorated with everything as lip to lip we hang in mechanical joy; my hands blaze with arias
the final curtain on one of the lo… musicals ever, some people claim t… seen it over one hundred times. I saw it on the tv news, that fina… flowers, cheers, tears, a thundero…
I took the envelope home to my mother and handed it to her and walked into the bedroom. My bedroom. The best thing about the bedroom was the bed. I liked to stay in bed for hours, even ...
old grey-haired waitresses in cafes at night have given it up, and as I walk down sidewalks of light and look into windows
the dead can sleep they don’t get up and rage they don’t have a wife. her white face like a flower in a closed
The rainy season began. Most of the money went for drink so my shoes had holes in the soles and my raincoat was torn and old. In any steady downpour I got quite wet, and I mean wet-down...