#1977 #AmericanWriters #LoveIsADogFromHell
first time my father overheard me… this bit of music he asked me, “what is it?” “it’s called Love For Three Oran… I informed him.
first they used to, he told me, gun and bomb the elephants, you could hear their screams over… but you flew high to bomb the peop… you never saw it,
16 years old during the depression I’d come home drunk and all my clothing— shorts, shirts, stockings—
I even hear the mountains the way they laugh up and down their blue sides and down in the water the fish cry
a girlfriend came in built me a bed scrubbed and waxed the kitchen flo… scrubbed the walls vacuumed
I saw Sara every three or four days, at her place or at mine. We slept together but there was no sex. We came close but we never quite got to it. Drayer Baba’s precepts held strong. We ...
death wants more death, and its we… I remember my father’s garage, how… I would brush the corpses of flies from the windows they thought were… their sticky, ugly, vibrant bodies
sway with me, everything sad— madmen in stone houses without doors, lepers steaming love and song frogs trying to figure
in the men’s room at the track this boy of about 7 or 8 years old came out of a stall
you consult psychiatrists and phil… when things aren’t going well and whores when they are. the whores are there for young boy… men; to the young boys they say,
old Butch, they fixed him the girls don’t look like much anymore. when Big Sam moved out of the back
sick with the flu drinking beer my radio on loud enough to overcome the sounds of the
probably from the belly button or… bed, or maybe from the mouth of th… the car crash on the avenue that l… scattered on the grass. she comes from love gone wrong und…
in the Valkerie Mountains among the strutting peacocks I found a flower as large as my head
I got a letter in the mail. It was addressed from Hollywood. Dear Chinaski: I’ve just read almost all your books. I work as a typist in a place on Cherokee Ave. I’ve hung your picture i...