#1977 #AmericanWriters #LoveIsADogFromHell
I always wanted to ball Henry Miller, she said, but by the time I got there it was too late. damn it, I said, you girls
I heard it first while screwing a… who had the biggest box in Scranton. I listened to it again as I wrote… to my mother
starving there, sitting around the… and at night walking the streets f… hours, the moonlight always seemed fake to me, maybe it was,
when I was in grammar school my parents were poor and in my lunch bag there was only a peanut butter sandwich.
was a truly amazing man he pretended to be rich even though we lived on beans and… when we sat down to eat, he said,
I remember the Model-T. Sitting high, the running boards seemed friendly, and on cold days, in the mornings, and often at other times, my father had to fit the hand-crank into the front...
I took Tanya to Santa Anita. The current sensation was a 16 year old jockey still riding with his 5 pound bug advantage. He was from the east and was riding at Santa Anita for the first...
the phone rang at 1:30 a.m. and it was a man from Denver: “Chinaski, you got a following in Denver...” “yeah?”
you just don’t know how to do it, you know that, and you can’t do a lot of other useful things either. it’s the fault of the
They had this thing called Training Class, and so for 30 minutes each night, anyhow, we didn’t have to stick mail. A big Italiano got up on the lecture platform to tell us where it was....
drunk on the dark streets of some… it’s night, you’re lost, where’s y… room? you enter a bar to find yourself, order scotch and water.
I feel gypped by dunces as if reality were the property of little men with luck and a headstart, and I sit in the cold
The ex-Japanese wrestler who was into real estate sold Lydia’s house. She had to move out. There was Lydia, Tonto, Lisa and the dog, Bugbutt. In Los Angeles most landlords hang out the ...
the virus holds the concepts give way like rotten shoelaces toothache and bacon dance on the lawn
after the slaughter house there was a bar around the corner and I sat in there and watched the sun go down through the window,