Chaoticka Wild

No, I really wouldn't change a thing.

Tears fall, land,
roll, plop, splat.
They glitter on scars.
Sniff, wipe, blow...
Force them back.
Chin up!
Oh! How pretty.
It’s me in the mirror.
Eyes that shine,
cheeks that flush.
Innocence cloaking pain.
Walk a way
with a bounce in my step.
So they hurt me... So what?
It’s not like I deserved it,
asked them too.
It’s not like I’m BROKEN or anything.
I can’t start over,
or be someone new.
Just go forward and bar the way back.
So demons can’t chase me,
so memories fade.
I was MEANT to be happy.
Because I love to run up stairs,
skip when I walk,
dance in the rain,
stare at the stars,
bask in the moonlight,
sleep in the sun,
smile at strangers,
pet stray animals,
rescue kittens,
and hug people that look like they need it.
Bad things happening to me
can’t stop me from being a good person.
Pain made me strong enough to smile in the face of adversity.

Other works by Chaoticka Wild...
