Celia Thaxter

Tyre and Sidon

BE thou ashamed, O Sidon, saith the sea!
    The loud voice of the world is in thine ears,
The world thy service hath and ruleth thee,
    Thou givest unto vanity thy years.
Hearken, O Tyre! For God stretched forth his hand
    Over the sea and He the kingdoms shook,
The broad earth quaked at breath of his command,
    From thy proud head the gleaming crown He took.
Is this the joyous city wont to boast
    Antiquity of ancient days? Behold
Her feet shall carry her afar, her ghost
    Shall mourn in desolation and in cold.
Because the promise of Eternal life
    And endless glory and unchanging good
Was naught to her, and she chose sin and strife,
    Vain mocking shows, and empty husks for food;
Because so eagerly she served the world
    Choosing the base and temporal things it gave,
Down from her throne her haughtiness is hurled,
    And all her pride is leveled to a grave.
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