Celia Thaxter


COME under my cloak, my darling!
    Thou little Norwegian maid!
Nor wind, nor rain, nor rolling sea
    Shall chill or make thee afraid.
Come close, little blue-eyed maiden,
    Nestle within my arm;
Though the lightning leaps and the thunder peals,
    We shall be safe from harm.
Swift from the dim horizon
    The dark sails scud for the land.
Look, how the rain-cloud drops its fringe
    About us on either hand!
And high from our plunging bowsprit
    Dashes the cold white spray,
And storm and tumult fill the air
    And trouble the summer day.
But thou fearest nothing, darling,
    Though the tempest mutter and brood,
Though the wild wind tosses thy bright brown locks,
    And flutters thy grass-green snood.
I kiss thy wise white forehead,
    While the thunder rolls so grand;
And I hold the curve of thy lovely cheek
    In the hollow of my hand;
And I watch the sky and the ocean,
    And study thy gentle face -
Its lines of sweetness and power,
    The type of thy strong Norse race.
And I wonder what thy life will be,
    Thou dear and charming child,
Who hast drifted so far across the world
    To a home so lone and wild.
Rude and rough and sad, perhaps;
    Anxious, and full of toil;
But I think no sorrow or hardship
    Thine inner peace can spoil.
For better than kingly fortunes
    Is the wealth that thou dost hold -
A nature perfectly balanced,
    A beauty of heart untold.
Thou wilt open the door of patience,
    When sorrow shall come and knock;
But to every evil, unworthy thing
    Wilt thou the gates fast lock.
So shall thy days be blessed,
    Whatever may be thy lot.
But what I am silently pondering
    Thou understandest not,
And liftest to me thy steadfast eyes,
    Calm as if Heaven looked through.
Do all the maidens in Norway
    Have eyes so clear and blue?
See, darling, where, in the distance,
    The cloud breaks up in the sky,
And lets a ray of sunshine fall
    Where our far-off islands lie!
White they gleam, and the sea grows bright,
    And silver shines the foam.
A little space, and our anchor drops
    In the haven of Love and Home!
Otras obras de Celia Thaxter...
