Celia Thaxter


WHAT good gift can I bring thee, O thou dearest!
    All joys to thee belong;
Thy praise from loving lips all day thou hearest,
    Sweeter than any song.
For thee the sun shines and the earth rejoices
    In fragrance, music, light;
The spring-time woos thee with a thousand voices,
    For thee her flowers are bright;
Youth crowns thee, and love waits upon thy splendor,
    Trembling beneath thine eyes;
The morning sky is yet serene and tender,
    Thy life before thee lies.
What shall I bring thee, O thou dearest, fairest!
    Thou holdest in thy hand
My heart as lightly as the rose thou wearest;
    Nor wilt thou understand
Thou art my sun, my rose, my day, my morrow,
    My lady proud and sweet!
I bring the treasure of a priceless sorrow,
    To lay before thy feet.
Otras obras de Celia Thaxter...
