Celia Thaxter

Our Soldiers

PEACE smiles over hamlet and city,
    Peace broods over mountain and stream,
Our tears of anguish and pity
    Are a half-forgotten dream.
The tempest of battle is ended,
    And our dear, delivered land
Stands free in the sunshine splendid,
    No stain upon her hand.
What shall we do to honor
    Her dauntless sons to-day,
Who shed such glory upon her,
    Striking her chains away?
Fair floats the banner o’er her, —
    What did not her children give?
They cast their lives before her,
    Dying that she might live.
Remember them, praise them, love them,
    The noble hearts and brave!
May earth lie lightly above them
    In many a nameless grave.
Great was their high endeavor,
    Great is their glorious meed;
Honor our heroes forever,
    Praise them with word and deed!
Other works by Celia Thaxter...
