Celia Thaxter

Lost and Saved

“O LOVE,” he whispered low, “Eternal Love!”
    And softly twilight’s shadows round them drew,
And one by one the stars grew bright above,
    And warm airs from the gates of sunset blew.
Swift o’er the summer sea they lightly sailed;
    The rushing winds, the rushing waves, sang sweet;
But sweeter than all sounds the voice that failed,
    Shaken by the full heart that strongly beat.
Fast piled the clouds in darkness south and east,
    Each other’s starry eyes they only saw.
What was the world to them? The breeze increased,
    And caught the glimmering sail with gusty flaw.
Low stooped the mast; the firm hand at the helm
    Held bravely yet the light craft to its course,
Though hurrying breakers fain would overwhelm,
    And the gale gathered with resistless force.
Black night, black storm, that rose in sudden wrath!
    All lost the cheerful stars forgot to burn,
And death was waiting silent in the path,
    Along whose wavering way was no return.
Or life or death —what mattered it to them?
    Locked mute and still within each other’s arms,
They sought no more the tempest’s rage to stem,
    Deaf to the tumult of the night’s alarms.
Beyond their fate uplifted, death was naught,
    Nor could they know, borne safe all pain above,
Into immortal life together caught,
    That only thus should live Eternal Love!
Altre opere di Celia Thaxter...
