Sit through the static
Then the knobs
Find the music or find the truth
AM or FM it does not matter
Stay not on a station too long
Let them speak for you.
The noise holds silence
Syllables and sounds
The music isn’t the only beauty to be found
Do what I do
You can hear the voice of the musician
And the voice of the ether
I’ve always listened in
Like a station in the morning
So you looking at this now
It comes with one warning
It can destroy you
And build you back
Confusion and the lack
Clarity trying to destroy
Nonsense to confuse the clarity
Use with disparity
I promise the rarity
Has fortold many a time
The exact time of such
Music plays but what more truth
That a single second of a song
It has secrets the writer doesn’t belong
Song of the spirit
Foolish and long
But try to hear it
You’ll hear wrong
But mostly right.
It’s a mystery
But one I’ve known
For so long
You will not be surprised anymore
But shocked if you can hear it
Sense it
Most hear nothing
But do not laugh at it.
Do not shirk it now
You’ll know exactly how
But use with caution
Because it can twist into foul
Tell things that are hideous
More demon than owl
Speaks fears more than knowledge
You have to get rid of it
Write it down
Turn off the sound
Listen to notes in length
Stay in sync
Do not fall into its spell
You’ll hear only hell
Do not hold onto fears unless real
What was this?
Don’t respect the fairer of our physiologies?
You will I or drown
Is there a minor problem we have?
Or a problem minor
A minor causing a major?
I’m not sure
Depends on what I’m curious of
I bet I can guess.
Hazard a guess
What I know best
The love is no less
It isn’t Possible
Speak into the mess
Sometimes it’s too mixed up to hear
Too chaotic to see
You’ll do so with three
Or you’ll be drowned.
Listen to the sound
You’ll know.
But don’t bury yourself underground
Listen to the sound in pure of mind.
You may find
A voice familiar
It can be rather peculiar
Because the mind
I remember when I thought it all just a fascinating game
Showing how the mind can be manipulated and tricked
Or the opposite
The minds amazing tools of molding and connecting dots
Which I’ve always found a lot
Of passion in
But there was a time back when
I heard something new
It only grew
Some was wrong
But some was right
Sometimes a loving word or two
Sometimes a fight
Why they even sell them now
With a bite
But nothing is scary about it
No two ways around it
It speaks from somewhere
But also fear
You have to have a clear
Head about you
Then what can be heard
Something from me
Something from you
Something from them
A lie and a clue
Something through the static
Something old
Meets something new