Caricamento in corso...

Arcana Major

A walk through the path. Told as someone telling someone that’s experiencing it one by one. Believing in tarot matters not. It’s a fascinating symbolic art. People misunderstand its use sometimes. Or rather it can be used how you want and as far as your faith will take you. I use it symbolically to give you insight on things your mind already knows. They are unfailing this way. The major is a path through new beginning and many cycles of giving up and spiritually changing and moving up into enlightenment.

Life gives no excuse to those who are not wild.
Attain the freedom of the child
Not the chains disguised as freedom on Dionysus
But the wild vines of Skadi and Artemis
The kind you can control and hold with your fist
Where the storm of the north is hidden in the wooded kiss
Beneath the deep wooded mountain mists
Peaceful freedom, wild risk.
Not a hit or miss
A target steady hit
The path we choose not too or bravely take.
A path that begins when we finally wake.
Those who do not love blind.
It says the world to is not kind
But this is false.
I choose to be blind
The mistake of so many to see not the sight of other kinds.
Of which I feel through the very cracks in my finger tips
Taste on the driest lips
Sense with sense unseen and unsullied.
Because all one has to do is be kind and hate none
Just because you lack what they have for themselves spun
What you so insidiously shun.
Believe me they aren’t worried
And sit at home with pain.
Because they know they have everything to gain
And walked into the flames willingly sane
Only to be called insane for being brave enough to find.
Those who don’t willingly bind
To the idea that those you love can be greater.
Even At the expense of your own spirit.
But the fool who walks off the cliff
Who shrug at the shift
their journey a swift dead end.
Pain is not the end.
Try try again
I have a will
That could baffle any heightened power.
walk free through the towers
That scorched the very world around me to my feet.
And only then is my smile real and felt to the depths of me.
For ashes are my blanket at night and fresh water in the morning.
So mourning?
Is only a stepping stone to life fulfillment.
Oh what a fool who has ever spent
Any energy to bringing sorrow to my doorstep.
I’ll unlock the door and thank you for it.
Maybe they just do not get it yet.
Death is not kind to those that strike down purity.
Especially those which warn 3 times.
I live under the warmth of forgiveness and the non judgmental to the very beating heart of me.
but I’ll be a sacrifice to no one
The spell of death haunt nowhere upon me.
Do you really not see?
Death still is not kind
Not to those who have not their own mind
The sun clarifying all your secrets
Wealth for others desires.
The moon turning them back into fear and illusion
The chariots intrusion with direction
Magicians willpower to gaze upon the hopeless star.
And make it out of the maze
To the priestess they know is afar
That carries the heart of lions and scale of justice
She is but a smile with no practice
Life does not look upon those who do not follow their hearts truth.
Those who forget to sooth their own conscious
Or who die not ever doing so.
The right path does not always lay in what is the best principal
But what is moral to the soul.
Your own destiny and goal.
They all know.
Do not die without knowing it.
Life and death will swallow you whole.
And you have even truly breathed yet.
Not fell asleep content in the bed of true peace
With nothing but your calm to help you into the darkness and beauty of the unworried night.
What a memory that could become.
For when you look for any of this
How is it you have none?
I know your demons
This I know you know.
But you didn’t know
I know the devil in you.
I know them well.
For all my purity it resides buried six foot under in me.
Tame it.
What a surprise would be felt
If you really knew me and knew what I knew.
Grew where I grew.
Walking around pretending everyone else is clueless
When it’s you who doesn’t have a clue.
7 swords under the moon upside down
Deception will bar you for life.
And behind the 9 points that tear your eyelids as you sleep.
As despair and anxiety creep
To take those lovers and make them spin the wheel of fortune
Oh don’t look into the mirror at your distortion
for you are not looking back.
The empires they turn over.
Just by fearing fear.
Walk not as the martyr but as the man.
Foolish oppurtunist who walks so talk yet shuts down truth for fear of hearing it.
You fear all yet want all to fear you.
Power is not yours.
Every secret you have must be told and signed.
Let it go become aligned.
The priest reversed give over their tradition
I know you have another addition
And illness made its way from another into you.
I know what you desire in the darkest night.
I know that it’s an uphill fight
But there is not one because you love it there.
Have the strength to hang the man and get another perspective
The hermit and his lantern much too introspective
It is a time to be braver than that before
I wish the gods I had never signed such a contract before my soul came through
How can anyone think akin to you.
No one is desiring you more than yourself.
Find yourself.
The world encompassing.
Spins not just for you.
Every single thing that brings disgust must come from the mouth of that which committed them.
Or the road behind me will disappear into dust
If that’s what it wills
It’s what I must
I see the monster clear.
But that is not why I walk away.
Come forward.
I have no trauma from you.
Not even close.
All you chose
Was your foolish soul.
It was my goal.
To watch your mistakes and
Let you hang yourself with them.
Sounds harsh but it was with true care
Never an ill intent on my tongue.
My pain came from my tongue being watching you hurt yourself.
And hoping you wouldn’t do what I guessed you’d done.
But because of what it would bring you.
Not me
Did you not see?
I watched you with innocent eyes fair.
You had no idea what was hiding in there.
There is no forgetting
Only forgiveness.
Crime aloud.
Or crime hidden.
The night is dark inside the soul.
But the work of the shadow inside your own
Sets you to the morning
It had to be alone.
Through deaths pass
Only one shows the path.
5 cups and 3 swords
Give yourself temperance or I’ll hand you 5 swords
Walking in 6 wands
Yet you’ve lost.
But at what cost?
At what cost?
A reckoning is here
It does not care who you hide behind  or where you go.
Force awakening.
Who am I?
What am I to do with it all?
Why nothing.
That was your choice.
But a catalyst was I.
And a catalyst were you.
Our lives to never be the same again.
Wether we liked it or not
Can’t you see beyond what love is not?
comfortability  is such a lie.
But as long as lessons go hand in hand with progress
There is nothing more to address
The connection is done.
Seems you had not a clue
Of what flames I spoke from a fire true.
Different and alike of the womb
You too quickly assumed
That meant what it did not.
Oh it’s not romantic
And the pain seers then dulls but never ever clears.
Can be decades can be years.
That was up to you.
A choice is a choice
If you chose true.
Wake in the morning.
Open your eyes and remain awoke.
Once you see it the way I mean it.
Be it.
You’ll understand me more
And fear you less.
I digress
Remain awake
Breath well for the first time without having to reach for anything.
I know your hell.
Because I knew myself
Took it for granted
But I knew that as well
Waking up to a new day.
Go to those you need and love do not remain this empty shell.
Break the cycle.
I know and knew
I should’ve told you
And should’ve grew
Sooner but I did not.
We will.
You cannot be rid of me
Nor I you.
Of anybody certainly
Of the capsule in time never.
What did not last forever lasts forever.
Ties that are cut yet never severed.
If your still in denial
Then look what you do
Right now.
It doesn’t have to be anything but what it is.
But remain inside the love from loves true.
4 of wands
Respond not to me
But to you.
And I’ll still hear the whisper in my ear.
Treat your demons, treat your fear
Tame them
Reckoning anew
Awakening light
Sky of blue
Lightning true.
Feed the fire that resides in you
The world will turn right
And the fortunate wheel will turn the sun back to your side.
Speak truth into all we have lied.
The ignorance of miscommunication
The noise of silence
Is what killed all my passion.
When noise becomes a distraction.
The silence isnt deafening
It is forgotten.
My revelations long withstood
Walked upright in my greater good
While you amongst those who thought I was being punished
Don’t be you never saw the strength
Never believed who I really was.
Never do what the fool does
I’m a fool but it’s only because
I walked in my truth
And you wanted to shroud me with lies
Wear a disguise
I saw through so soon
The moon.
Too soon?
It was already December.
The oath ends with the world
With completion. Cycle broken. Success or endings
Sometimes a new beginning.
The path is complete it seems.
To whatever end.

Tarot in them .. tarot are strange .. life is in them but they aren’t all healthy either and intend to stay away from them for now as it’s good to cycle from looking at them to never depending on them. I’ve seen so many get caught in a cycle of over divining and thinking it’s truth and it just isn’t. they can see a situation pretty well. A situation recently I pulled the moon secrets illusions fears 7 of swords deception lies and trickery the devil addiction manipulation excess lies and sexual promiscuity lovers choices and love and union emperor reversed in short someone obsessed with control and fueled by hateful action and manipulation of others to get their want . 5 of swords conflict and secret attacks at you fighting 2 of cups..soulmates and love haha I pulled them over and over about 2 weeks in and then let the person spend two years of chances to prove them wrong and I was rooting for them.. but the cards were right. I also had to pretend I already didn’t know what was coming. But this inlies their evil as cards whether you believe them fully or not will give you ideas before proof .. and you may act a certain way that causes those cards to be right. So you gotta be careful...Hope they are well regardless of course.

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