
Still looking for you...

His name is dead. And in me something died too.

I look for you in  his smile,
The way his skin creases on his left cheek.
Your skin would crease on your left cheek too.
Its the way she speaks, using her hands to express herself..
It’s All to familiar, like your storytelling from my yesterday,
I want to talk to her with endless conversations,
But they do end.
Why must conversations end?
I never wanted yours to end.
The warmth the sun gave me through the cracks of my window this morning,
Same warmth I felt in your arms before,
Why must the sun go down ?
Like why must the leaves go down this season
They’re brown like your skin.
That’s the worst .
No! the worst
Is the hands playing guitar are that are not yours, but are like yours but not yours, they’re not yours.
They’re not yours
They’re not yours
They’re not yours
And the art on the walls of Venice beach it’s not yours
It’s every Saturday morning hike I take the feet beside me don’t belong to you,
The long hair on the waiters head like the long hair on yours,
It’s the seashells on the beach like the seashells of the bracelets you wore,
It’s the music playing on my playlist titled after your name but you never heard before,
It’s July the when your born.
Its December your favorite holiday.
It’s August the last time I saw you.
It’s May when you went missing.
It’s June when they found you died ...
And it’s the months in between all the dates of the months they’re numbers like the numbers of the eternal seconds I haven’t stopped looking for you .
I am still looking for you .
Your are dead . And I am still looking for you .
Every person I meet every place I go every food I taste  if it reminds me the slightest bit of life before your passing I will grasp and grip and hold on to so it won’t pass as well
Like I’m grasping and griping and holding on to the memory of you .
I don’t want to let of any little bit of you go
In Everywhere and in everything I will look for you and I will find some of you in everywhere and everything forever.

Other works by Viridiana...
