
Plus More

His name is Everything I’ve ever wanted R.

You always ask why?
And I always say I don’t know
And I know you hate that reply
Maybe you think it’s all part my ego
Or maybe she not the verbal kind
She could be playing  with your mind
I know some things I say sound out of line
But if you heard my thoughts you’ll know I don’t play but rewind,
Truth is
I’m trying to find excuses
To hit you with the deuces
Without me leaving bruises
Last thing I want to do is to hurt you
First thing I want to do is forget you
If you knew I was currently choosing between two
If today I had to pick It’ll probably be him over you.
But at this point I choose neither
That’s not the end of it either
See I feel like you haven’t given me a breather
Sounds so lame
But you swept me off my feet by day two
So unexpectedly i needed someone to blame
So I blame him for not being you
You’re everything I’ve ever wanted plus more
On the other hand everything happened so fast
One day I met you, the next I’m telling you everything about my past,
Next thing you know I’m talking about the future
And it’s scary that I starting painting you in my family picture.
Is it wrong of me to questioning
Why does questions get grouped with insecurity
Infatuation can be so blinding
Don’t hate me because I refuse to walk in obscurity
You’re everything I’ve wanted plus more
Before you came around all I was healing from someone else,
And as soon as I knew your story I feel like I forgot my own,
It’s not as easy as picking a book off the shelf,
I can’t put it back, this the kind of choices you set in stone,
I love the man you are
I love everything you’ve taught me thus far
I love the way your right your wrongs
Most of all I love the way you love God
I love what you been through
I love how you love yours
I love what you’ve over come too
I love how I know if I tried I can love you
You’ve everything I’ve wanted plus more
Maybe I’ll regret this someday
Maybe I’ll thank myself later on
Cant look past the bad timing of when I first said hey
Can’t look past the distance when I want you to lean on
You’re everything I’ve wanted plus more
And I would ask for Time but that’s selfish
Theirs so much of you I want to explore
But I rather fall back than watch the little we have perish.
You’re everything I’ve wanted plus more.
So much so, it’s too good to be true.
P.S. I already miss you. Goodbye.

Other works by Viridiana...
