
2 am

His name is E .

What you been up too?
Just wanna know what’s new
How’s that career going
Sometimes I lurk looks like ur glowing
But you looking good is nothing new
I always told you God took his time on you
Had my eyes on you even before our first conversation
Getting to know you was dancing with temptation
And as that song played I realized it was more than just physical,
You are more to than just a pretty face... how typical
And we talked the talk
Never walked the walk
All fun and games
We barley know each others names
In the back of mind
Always knew some like you are hard to find
Not going to lie
You’re just my type
Man is tall
Man, like the ones who play ball
And when you smile
My thoughts go vile
Truth is you’ve made me laugh with every message you’ve sent
You’re name on my screen and I knew it was a new comedy segment
You’re a hard working individual
Can’t sleep if you doing just the minimal
That’s probably why you never slept
And that’s when the lust crept
It became dangerous
“Let’s stop being strangers yeah?”
Maybe if you just lived a little  closer things would be different
Both love night drives, good music plus someone to vent
Late night conversations
Led to morning contemplations
I would hit you up with so much hesitation
Though, It’s really not that serious
You just always made me a little curious.
But every time it was alright
It was cool to hear from you every other night
You’re going to do big big things
I hit you up cause I like how you’re moving
Damn, I always forget you got a girl friend
I always had remind myself it was all pretend
You always act single so I’ll always question why?
I met someone. He’s calling now. I miss you. Goodbye .
Ps. what if? But not enough. Best of luck, my friend.

Other works by Viridiana...
