
Closer to God


Closer to God
What does it mean to be closer to God?
It’s a question I’ve asked myself a lot this year
In the midst of so much loss in life
Straying away from him is something I fear

Ask a pastor or a church person and they more than likely say dive into his word or you’ll feel him if you just listen to a sermon

Although I know that to be true
Sometimes I feel like when we’re so hurt it’s hard to keep our ears open and our minds receptive they can’t move passed pain of past pain

To those who find evidence of God solely on words of literature and preaching I give props to you hopefully one day I can be like you

But for me at least at this point its much more difficult to feel his presence I can’t just sit through a sermon and feel better

I know he speaks to us through his word and through his people but to me I feel him the most through being one with his creation of earth

I no longer doubt him but when I hear of people being doubtful i can’t help it but to ask

Do you see the trees?
Did you look at the sky?
All the mountains and every on them we can even see?
All the birds that some how can never fall but graciously fly?

It’s like the more I see of the world .. the more I feel Christ In me

Whether it’s his physical creation of nature and animals
Or his greatest creation of all, humans:
The eyes of a photographer
The strength of a body builder
The ability acrobat
The visions of an architect
The over all faith that any type of artist has to have to foresee their art before it is finished.

That’s evidence of God.
That’s all I need to remind of myself that in the midst of my pain. Of seeing my brother Ill, of seeing my mother in tears, heartbreak of a failed relationship, and of no longer hearing the voice of the one I love most because God has called him home.. and with all that I can step outside look up at the sky and know for certain God is real. My view is just to beautiful to think other wise

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