A Solitary Tango...
Forbidden love sucks!
It is I who so hopes to have you… All stark and nude and wholly my o… Chained by the dark and caged with… Gravest of silence distends your s… Rest remains assured, should this…
All alone in my room; I speak out… If they talk back I surely don’t… I ask many questions; I need some… They simply may not wish to chatte… I speak out again, in a friendlier…
Floating like a feather in a forie… Sailing on vibrations of a higher… Dancing in a hidden realm of love’… To songs of angels singing in perf… Is an ever fleeting level of pure…
Peering, stupendously, through cal… exotic arms of electricity seducti… summoning my arrival. Reaching for… and exploring eyelids’ depths. Surrounding sounds spin to static,
Jerks: A humanoid species typically cynic… Arrogant, self-righteous, foul-mou… Defining an annoying, ignorant, gl… Good for nearly nothing next to ac…
Gone fishin’ for a fan in a vast p… Biting seems abundant while I hav… Hook well baited, sinker tight; I… Something fishy’s gone awry, my ba… Each new trip is well thought out,…
I awake as I’m walking down stair… Blinded by darkness, I reach for… But no light is found, I must bra… And trust that my eyes might gener… But even my eyes won’t offer assis…
Lying stillest of night with quest… Suspecting that darkness is hiding… Movement is certainly sensed more… Twisting in ways that warp the obs… My gaze, seeking blindly activity’…
Swallowing hard at the lump in my… and exhibiting instinctual caution… stiffness of numb legs hesitantly… mind forward. A lone-note, tempere… esoteric hum leaks from the gate’s…
His gentle voice churns warm elect… Statically stimulating my atmosphe… Infusing flocks of fuzzy feelings, As I’m lifted toward the exospher… The truth he speaks from fiery lip…
Imagine if everyone could utilize the gifts they’ve been given from… The world would be plagued by wave… instead of the need for spilling b… Gifts bequeathed prior to birth
'0 - < - * - > o:)O(: o < - * - >… * . . * . . * . . * 'The’' 'Universe’' 'is’' 'made’'… 'The’' 'Earth’' 'of’' ‘air;’ 'We’' 'are’' 'simply’' 'tiny’' 'fi…
Riding on wild rainbows that gallop toward the sun, trailed by a flock of frolicking faeries who give chase with saurian smiles. Utterly inebriated by sounds of lulling laughter; sudden...
The wind, without welcome carries crunchy kisses to my wooden window sill. Leaving in its wake, a pool of particles crackling,
I’ll stalk you like a shadow in th… always by your side but remaining… I’ll bring you dire pain while I… and quickly numb your spirit so yo… I am the ageless Bringer of Chaos…