There’s joy in legislative halls When Frank’s in opposition; But gloom upon the Chamber falls When Frank holds high position. His merry japes no longer flit
Mrs Felix Donnett was a lady of r… For ten years her husband was mayo… For ten years she queened it as ou… And ‘everything she did, my dear,’… But the mayoral pomp sat lightly o…
Sweet, think how much the better i… If you thro’ life should thus pres… It really doesn’t matter much to m… But don’t you think you owe the wo… And don’t you think that thro’ som…
Now, since man became a martyr To this economic stress, He has sought relief, in barter, From financial wretchedness; So, dispensing with the banker,
Now a sad farewell to the cable-tr… Staunch friend of the quieter days… That glided down thro’ a leisured… Ere the urge for speed was a craze… We’d time to spare and we took the…
‘This Cen-TEEN-ary,’ sez ‘e Sez I, ’You’ll pardon me.’ (Perlite, like that, first off, an… ‘You’ll pardon me, I’m sure,’ I sez: 'but, speakin’ pure,
Romance goes out of everything in… And even old John Barleycorn grow… Once henchman of gay gallantry, a… Scene: Tavern door. A saucy wenc… He stops. She smiles. Arm round…
But a scant 2000 folk, no more, Sitting solemn-faced within the pe… While the parsons preach and outwa… In divers tones, their own peculia… Folk of sobriety,
Long faces, hangin’ lips an’ eyes… Meegrims an’ mulligrubs, mournfuln… Faith in the future gone to glory… I’ve seen it all a score o’ times… I seen it all a year ago, if you w…
‘E passes by, each day, at ten A bottle-shouldered yid Wot looks as if ’e pushed a pen An’ drawes a weekly quid; ‘E’s always with some little lass;
Since Stanley felt the icy blast Jack leads the Opposition. A mild, scholastic man to cast For such a tough position. Fit for some rude iconoclast
Brothers! You .... with but a sixpence in yo… you with a solid bank balance, and… Let not the cares of money e’er op… Today I would address you
So nice it is of you to call . . . Yes; Monday week we done it; Right 'igh-clarse weddin’ - church… Cost Bill a bit to run it. An’ wotjer think ‘e ups and sez
Aw, I’m sick o’ the whole darn hu… An’ I’m sick o’ this mundane ball… I’m sick o’ the sight o’ me brothe… An’ his works an’ talk an’ all; I’m sick o’ the silly sounds I he…
At the risk of seeming silly, I would ask you, ‘Where is Billy… Here’s a crisis, here’s a fight, And he’s missing. Strike a light… Blithering blazes! Here’s a mill…