When your World is Ending, go crazy
it’s going to happen, because no mind can survive the heat of the sun
and not writhe and scream and do the things that humans do when death knocks suddenly
But then, after the rush of agony, there is a soft wind that soothes
Give it your cheek, for this is your cocoon of shock
Don’t be afraid, it is your minds way of crawling away to heal what it has left
Don’t be afraid to be broken
To look at a face you barely recognize, when you finally brave the mirror
Make time to lie in the mud of what is left, and understand that if you are reading this
you will make it
Because you have crawled away from the bloody fields of catastrophe
and although you left a limb out there, perhaps more
The angels within you guided you to the fox hole you now crouch in
and commanded you to rip off your shirt and tie it tight around your wound
So you would at least live thru this night
And after the flames of madness, and the icy relief of numbness
There will come a new pain, when the feeling begins to creep back into your shattered spirit
and the very desire to go on living becomes a new ache, when you survey the ruins of all you knew
This pain is a sacred pain, for it is the agony of life returning
Squint your eyes, grit your teeth, ball your fists and face into this unbearable ache
For this pain is telling you: You are still alive!
This is your first new sunrise, falling on the skinless baby that you now are
Looking in amazement at the ruin, and wonder
Of this shipwreck that was your reality, as you cling and gasp and paddle
And know that there will be waves
waves of a darkness so deep that you will rage against the fates that let you live
and then, after an eternity under the salty blackness
Your face will again emerge, and there will be moments of grace
and your tears will be tears of relief, that you have another moment with the cold grey sun
And the waves will come, and they will go, washing over and over and over and over
But this I promise you, each will pass
All shall pass
And if you find yourself drowning, it is because you are holding yourself under somehow
The darkest wave will always move on, if you let it wash over you, and flow limp, like a child
Hold onto nothing, let everything go, for it is only your surrender that will cause you to rise
When your World is Ending
Let it end
And remember that the wisest warrior is the one that dies the best
And behind every death the chance for a soul you barely knew
Blinking back at you from the red fog of your pain
Those eyes, they are worth a thousand deaths
For those are the eyes of rebirth