
Step Back With Me

Step back with me
From the dottering edge
Where the winds of doubt quiver and moan
Hide your ears from those whispers
That speak only pain, and the death of faith
And I will turn with you, away, for I too can fall

Let us stand instead in a shaft of sunlight
The warms us from within, and fades the shadow of our scars
And see how our wounds match, like crimson puzzle pieces
And the tears form a gossamer quilt to keep us through the night

Dear one, when I see you peer over, and winds icy fingers pale your blush
I cry inside, for I know too that same chill
For every voice that tells you to run, I hear the same
For each stab of sudden fear, slicing the petals of your heart
I feel it too

Hold my hand and stretch the other out, ahead of us on this midnight trail
We cannot see, but we can feel
And as our fingers intertwine, a golden thread unfurls, silent, shimmering
To lead us from these dangerous lands

Do you know I feel your heart? And see the jagged fractures, like broken bones, criss cross your face? Do you know I long to kiss them smooth again, to banish the misfortunes of your past?
And do you know, dear one, that I love the broken, the battered parts of your painting, even more than the sun?

And do you know, that in the twilight of tomorrow, there is more to be dreamed than you have ever dared?

In this brilliant moment, under the halo of awkward angels, our feet stand forked and forlorn, we feel both the promise of love and the gravity darkness. And alas, it so often seems, that dawn may never come.

But this I know
Only in the leap do we learn to fly
And when we land, quivering, on undiscovered clouds
We will be reborn, and see with eyes anew
And this I promise you
Every whisper from that pit of snakes, every lie against love
Will wither and fade, into its own forgotten parade
And you will see you as I see you
The precious broken angel that I long to hold
And heal her wings

So step back with me
From the dottering edge
And walk with me instead to the meadow
Where flowers still bloom and songs are still sung
And we can share these delicate dreams we thought long dead
And taste of summers russet wine instead
Sweet as your kisses, soft as morning rain

Inspired by angels and cellos

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