Billy Vinson

Poxytony Phil

That groundhog
is definitely on crack,
he lays around all year
on his fat back.  
Just an over grown
near sighted mole,
who on feb two
sticks his nose out his hole.  
And if it’s cloudy
he says we’re in luck,
but if it’s sunny
the weather’s gonna suck.  
Then he falls back in his hole
and pulls on his bong,
and gets out his guitar
and sings a song.  
He sings high yodel
sorta like vince gill,
but his name is actually
poxytony phil.  
And ol’ phil ain’t
your everyday critter,
he owns a smart phone
and has an account with twitter.  
And you can follow him
if that’s what you desire,
but for me myself
I just do not care.  
So that’s my spill
on poxytony phil,
and every word is true
or my name is bill.:)
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