i like dogs that bark and girls wh… yelling boys and little kids under… trying to figure out what to call… and always picking out “bones” or… i love animals and lovers with sca…
i wasn’t really my mothers child, i was her idea of a child. but, unforgivingly, i wasn’t. i grew up like kudzu; over the lam… i went so far as to grow over the…
“i hope they don’t turn out like y… and yeah, i think, that’s about ri… i hope they don’t either.
i left you, but you never had the… you walked right out that door wit… you slipped into the cracks of me. you know how mad it drives me? i feel you move around, inside and…
i am scared of you now, of this stranger who has taken you… those familiar eyes now watch me,… your loose hold now tight and the… this beast of grief has eaten you…
if i loved you less maybe i could sleep through the ni…
there is a body sprawled out on a… obscenely and nudely. with a blissed out face and beaded… smears of red on the face and stom… it lies there with a lighter in a…
you hurt me so much, but i never h… i just hated you for telling me it…
i buried my childhood in a cardboa… i wrapped it up in a stained white… it’s sitting in my old backyard, s… it’s really sad when i think about… so i just don’t
there’s a swarm of vultures overhe… something is dead.
i’m chasing shadows down alleyways… i love to walk backwards in parkin… spinning around to grin at the moo… or god forbid, you. just breathing in mist and thc.
when the ash settles down and you… wild and dancing, you see blackeni… you see the ending of it all and i… the way it dances and beckons you… the way you wish it would.
“be thankful to god for bringing y… god had no part in what i became o… he was a callous bystander, a watc… he watched me cry and then drowned… god watched me start wars and lose…
i love breaking your heart. call me a sadist, i don’t particul… i’ll reel you back in like a trout…
i’m tired of crying into my pages… with my mouth stuffed with blackbe… seeds spilling out and my tongue d… i want to lock myself up in the ba… to shatter the mirrors with shriek…