I Can

A response to Gregory Michael Noonan

Creeping in... unrelenting, playing its customary role
Making me hesitate with it’s words “Just come back to our hole”
It loves my inaction for this is where it breeds
On my mind, sanity, and soul is where it always feeds
I want to starve it and wither it away
but my fear perceived reality wants to let it play
“come closer” it says....”listen”....”feel me”
It wants to devour and ruin... can’t just let me be
“I just want to keep you safe” it claims as its intent
but deep down I know it’s just trying to prevent
When I fight against it it screams “Is this a chance you want to take?”
“Look at this”...”remember when”...”how about all those past mistakes”
It wants me to stay... to nurture it, it begs “let me grow”
but if I’m to have... live... love, I must just let it go
The fight to defeat it is always so damn hard
It’s constant in reminding me of all my past scars
Let it go... just walk away... let and watch it die
I will own this day... just take it, and I will learn to fly
I know it will try and sneak back, it’s never far away
but I will overcome it, no more inviting it to stay
So now I am ready, even though I’m scared as hell
but I am feeding doubt no longer and I know that all is well
So help me back up once more my love, there’s something you will see
It is that I am here and yes I can... just let you love me


The love of my life always sees and helps me through my struggle with doubt and fears. He has been asking me throughout this past year "Can't you just let me love you?" This poem is my response. I love you Michael!

#Doubt #InLettingLoveStrugglingWith

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