For Bede
For my love of 36 years
Her smile was like gold, Her lines were often bold, Her stories of wisdom told, In books that are now sold. She has left the earth,
Soft gray clouds pass slowly by, Soon they will release a gift of r… Trees are shedding their leaves As they turn red, orange and yello… Signaling the squirrels to collect…
Walking on the beach of long ago, the constant roll of the gulf, it’s sound, like a lullaby.
When I first heard “The Blackbird,” In the middle Of night, I was just thirteen.
Yellow finches Line the bird feeder Against Spring’ s canopy Of green and purple tapestry. Back and forth they go
Pale blue moon Of August, Peeking behind The clouds, Luminous,
If I had all the time In the world To write, What would I say? What would be the most
On the brink of leaving, To go beyond These borders And say good-bye, To all you know,
First snow of the season Came down light and gay, With it’s bright white, Reflecting, Off slow moving clouds
It’s that time of year again. The sound of honking geese fills the air, as they pass in alignment, to the Deep South.
A path with heart Is full of love Which makes us right Brings in the light And chases the dark.
Red, yellow and orange leaves Fall quickly now And create a tapestry of color That fill my mind With joy.
I heard past generations In my son’s voice, I saw his life fly Into another dimension, A place, I can only imagine.
Brown hawk with spotted tail, soaring on the wind, balancing like a sail. Your piercing cry
The wind went through me, it carried the yellow, orange and red leaves lightly on the air. Another change is coming,