Pleasant dreams. 3/2/24
When I first heard “The Blackbird,” In the middle Of night, I was just thirteen.
What inspires me... Hummingbirds buzzing as they land, on nearby flowers. Their amazing wings
Harsh reality smacks like a slap of cold wind. Sometimes I’m a tough sailor, at the helm,
Perhaps it is the mind separating things into this and that. Perhaps it is the mind with it’s preferences
Every hour we are someone Different, Every day something new Learned, Death is just another
Mr. R. would talk about his deceased brother, he dreamed about him frequently; also of an eagle
I heard past generations In my son’s voice, I saw his life fly Into another dimension, A place, I can only imagine.
Itchy eyes scaly feet achy joints and bad teeth hair so fine
As I age this last quarter of my life, I am fading into the background. As I let go of roles,
Beneath the bustling, hustling mind, deep inside, there is an oasis of calm.
Soft gray clouds pass slowly by, Soon they will release a gift of r… Trees are shedding their leaves As they turn red, orange and yello… Signaling the squirrels to collect…
What if, The simple things In life, were the Most important Events.
Leaves falling, Another season Decorating the earth. One red leaf In my path,
Birds flying here and there, landing on branches to chirp and bare, their heart. A private club among the trees with their own private code.
At that magical time When the yellow moon Sets, And the pink mist Of dawn,