Come with me To the mountain top, Where the crest touches The sky And the air so pure,
Red cardinal dancing On white snow, How regal you appear With your cloak of red, How it cheers my heart
The red cardinal high in a tree, caught my attention with his melodious chirp on my daily walk.
Squirrels with bushy orange tails leap about the deck. Crickets hum, confused that it’s not dark yet. The caw of a blue jay
What is truth? It’s a changing sky, One day clear, The next, cloudy, Holding the blue and grey,
If I had all the time In the world To write, What would I say? What would be the most
I heard past generations In my son’s voice, I saw his life fly Into another dimension, A place, I can only imagine.
In the rustle of leaves the wind plays a tune, the change of season is on the horizon. It asks permission
The hummingbirds are buzzing As well as the bees. The Orioles land gingerly On top of the feeder. Cautiously they move down
Life is but a dream, our fantasies, spill, like liquid tears that pool and vaporize into the air.
Misty fog floating through bare trees. Cold waves of wind coarse through the woods whistling as they go
Embrace that which comes with ease: The twinkling of an eye, The drumbeat of a heart, The blooming of a flower,
Not sure where we are headed, Could be a long ride, Keep your heart steady, Open wide your eyes. There is something to learn
On this New Year’s Eve Direction lost Drifting like blowing snow To and fro. A freeze comes
The flesh withers as we age But our inner spirit Remains the same. And when the body dies The spirit breaks free