Azalea Kamfer



Brokeness pain suffering i bear agony screams out a soul wounded by many trying to find way my through the path of freedom Im stucked IM bound by thoughts and emotions THEY cripple me soul reaches out a heart cries out NO ONE ...NO ONE!!!! darkness fills my eyes tears breaking through the walls of darkness when will i see the light when will He come to my rescue i NEED YOU my soul longs for you my soul yearns for you can you hear me is there any care left YOU said in your word you will never leave so i cleave hoping that you’ll appear but such a great fear grips me a thought of not having you is a deadly sound don’t leave me don’t leave this place calls heart come fill up once more COME COME I NEED YOU!!!! don’t leave me i need  YOU! i sit in desperation longing for you so come JESUS is you i need i hunger after you im thirsty give me drink of your living water fill this empty cup my KING im here at your service i give you heart my mind my body and my soul its YOURS TAKE TAKE IT so would you come?

its a personal experience it was a time of deadliness a time of silence God seemed so far yet so close i needed him most that time.
