The little hands too soft and whit… To have known more laborious hours Than those which die upon a night Of kindling wine and fading flower… The little hands that I have kiss…
I know not how our eyes first met, I only know that, night by night, For one long instant we forget All but our instant of delight. Child, I have never heard you spe…
The fountain murmuring of sleep, A drowsy tune; The flickering green of leaves tha… The light of June; Peace, through a slumbering aftern…
Kicking my heels in the street, Here at the edge of the pavement… Here in the crowd, the blent noise… Under the archway sheer, Sudden and black as a hole in the…
I have laid sorrow to sleep; Love sleeps. She who oft made me weep Now weeps. I loved, and have forgot,
Here in the little room You sleep the sleep of innocent ti… While I, in very sooth, Tired, and awake beside you in the… Watch for the dawn, and feel the m…
O flame of living love, That dost eternally Pierce through my soul with so con… Since there’s no help above, Make thou an end of me,
The pale moon shining from a palli… Lit half the street, and over half… Her folded mantle; through the dar… White windows glittered, each a wa… The dim wet pavement lit irregular…
Because it is the day of Palms, Carry a palm for me, Carry a palm in Santa Chiara, And I will watch the sea; There are no palms in Santa Chiar…
(From the French) The moon was in the sky, Pale, pale her light had grown I went into the forest All alone.
The grey-green stretch of sandy gr… Indefinitely desolate; A sea of lead, a sky of slate; Already autumn in the air, alas! One stark monotony of stone,
I bring to thee, for love, white r… White lilies of the valley, droppi… The white camellia, the seal of pe… The misty white azalea, flickering… White flowers I bring, and all th…
For God’s sake, let me love you,… These tedious protestations of a l… We’re of one mind to love, and the… Remember that, and all the rest fo… And let’s be happy, mistress, whil…
Emmy’s exquisite youth and her vir… Eyes and teeth in the flash of a m… Come to me out of the past, and I… As I saw her once for a while. Emmy’s laughter rings in my ears,…
Eyes that sought my eyes, an-hunge… Hands that sought and caught my ha… Hands and eyes that clipt and lipt… But I turned away from your ecsta… But my heart was silent to your ea…