Sheli Gutoliv


Instante, las hojas permutan,
en refinada variación.
Presente, en tibio sosiegan,
en suave aflicción.
Llegas, lluvia!
Nítida, suavemente fluyes,
en delicado cauce.
Tibieza, alimenta a mi alma,
se vuelve un instante.
Ensueña, ataviate de colores,
dando pureza en tú semblante.
Caes, lluvia!
Ellos, alados y atraídos por el temporal,
deducen: cambio como constante
final en la eternidad.
Instant, leaves permuting,
into refined variation.
Present, in tepid calm,
in smooth affliction,
You arrive, Rain!
Neatly, you flow smoothly,
in a delicate watercourse.
Tepidness, you feed my soul,
it becomes an instant.
Dream, dress with colours,
making your appearance pureness.
You fall, Rain!
Those, winged and attracted by the storm,
they deduce: change as a constant
end in eternity.
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