
At Liberty I Sit and See

At liberty I sit and see
Them, that have erst laugh’d me to scorn,
Whipp’d with the whip that scourged me:
And now they ban that they were born.
I see them sit full soberly
And think their earnest looks to hide;
Now, in themselves, they cannot spy
That they or this in me have spied.
I see them sitting all alone,
Marking the steps, each word and look;
And now they tread where I have gone,
The painful path that I forsook.
Now I see well I saw no whit
When they saw well, that now are blind;
But happy hap hath made me quit,
And just judgement hath them assign’d.
I see them wander all alone,
And tread full fast, in dreadful doubt,
The self-same path that I have gone:
Blessed be hap that brought me out!
At liberty all this I see,
And say no word but erst among,
Smiling at them that laugh’d at me:
Lo, such is hap! Mark well my song!

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