Anonymous Addict

Dear Addicts and Alcoholics,

I Want you to know

Dear Addict and/or Alcoholic,

I want you to know your loved. I want you to know your not alone. I want you to know you are not broken, merely lost. I want you to that everyone is lost in thier own maze, this just happens to be yours. I want you to know that if you ever wish to find a way out of this maze, this mess that you’ve found yourself in, there is help. There are millions of us all over the world and thousands right where you are. Please don’t feel alone because we are here for you. When you feel like its you against the world, call, then its us against the world. Then your not alone. Please know that you are loved. I love you. We love you. God loves you. You are not alone.
                Addicts and Alcoholics

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