Anne Bradstreet

For the restoration of my dear Husband from a burning Ague, June, 1661

When feares and sorrowes me besett,
Then did’st thou rid me out;
When heart did faint and spirits quail,
Thou comforts me about.
Thou rais’st him vp I feard to loose,
Regau’st me him again:
Distempers thou didst chase away;
With strenght didst him sustain.
My thankfull heart, with Pen record
The Goodnes of thy God;
Let thy obedience testefye
He taught thee by his rod.
And with his staffe did thee support,
That thou by both may’st learn;
And 'twixt the good and evill way,
At last, thou mig’st discern.
Praises to him who hath not left
My Soul as destitute;
Nor turnd his ear away from me,
But graunted hath my Suit.
Otras obras de Anne Bradstreet...
