Angela Erwin


"When everything feels like the movies, Yeah, you bleed just to know you're alive.." - Goo Goo Dolls

I have learned the greatest lesson in life
Not to think with your head or your heart
But to always trust your gut and intuition
And believe things that seem a little odd
Things that make you feel curious and suspicious
Do not fall into the trap of empathy
Because in the midst of in fruition and knowledge
You set yourself up for a broken heart.
I never fully understood meaning of the “laws of attraction”
Until I realized I was inside a circle of unscrupulous deception
Almost like a dream when you know you are dreaming
But you can’t wake and find yourself safe in your bed
I found myself in the most disturbing of circumstance
Yet time and again I swept it under the rug
But in the midst of in fruition and knowledge
I found myself with a broken heart
I was amazed that some could not see the true me
The me with a caring heart and closed mouth
Yet over and over I was misunderstood
Blind with unconditional trust and protection
For those who would turn and pull the strings
As if I were a puppet or a pawn in a wicked game
Yet I learned in the midst of in fruition and knowledge
I walked away with a broken heart
I would grieve for the ignorant and stupidity
Even for the deception and the betrayed
But for those who have no clear conscience
Would do no good to wish them well
For they understand with full intention
How cruel and cold hearted they really are
I just hope in the midst of in fruition and knowledge
They find themselves with a broken heart


A situation when I was most misunderstood

Other works by Angela Erwin...
