Ange' Hesbrook

To life - this much i owe.

The gift of life each thankful day –I thank you .
For the daily task’s put in front of us and confrontations .
pleasures. thought’s and heart felt moments.
Speech .. the wonder of communication, sound in abundance,
The magic of bodily function-The true pleasure of sight.
My actions .movements from within my control.
My ability to function & Make thoughts reality .
To walk, run, skip, or just stand,
Taste the wonderful foods to savour and enjoy .
The oddity of bodily self repair on minor infections .
to have knowledge taught within our brain.
How can we starve the day .. when so much is given .
The miracle.wonder’s of choice and voice.
to have a past .. and yet  hope for a future.
The perfect gift of which we have– is more than generous .
To be honoured with all the above– the choice is ours–
use it well . wisely, with good intent.
do not abuse .. its heaven sent .


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