Luxurious Man, to bring his Vice… Did after him the World seduce: And from the Fields the Flow’rs a… Where Nature was most plain and p… He first enclos’d within the Gard…
Sit further, and make room for thi… Where just desert enrolles thy hon… The good Interpreter. Some in thi… Take of the Cypress vail, but lea… Changing the Latine, but do more…
Ye living lamps, by whose dear lig… The nightingale does sit so late, And studying all the summer night, Her matchless songs does meditate; Ye county comets, that portend
Now does Spains Fleet her spatiou… Leaves the new World and hastens… But though the wind was fair, the… Frayted with acted Guilt, and Gui… For this rich load, of which so pr…
When for the Thorns with which I… With many a piercing wound, My Saviours head have crown’d, I seek with Garlands to redress t… Through every Garden, every Mead,
Dorinda When Death, shall snatch us from… And shut up our divided Lids, Tell me Thyrsis, prethee do, Whither thou and I must go.
To make a final conquest of all me… Love did compose so sweet an Enem… In whom both Beauties to my death… Joyning themselves in fatal Harmo… That while she with her Eyes my H…
Haec est quae toties Inimicos Umb… At sub qua Cives Otia lenta terun… In eandem Reginae Sueciae transmi… Bellipotens Virgo, septem Regina… Christina, Arctoi lucida stella P…
Daphnis must from Chloe part: Now is come the dismal Hour That must all his Hopes devour, All his Labour, all his Art. Nature, her own Sexes foe,
My Mind was once the true survey Of all these Medows fresh and gay… And in the greenness of the Grass Did see its Hopes as in a Glass; When Juliana came, and she
Nec sterilem te crede; Licet, mul… Falcem virginiae nequeas immitere… Et nostro peccare modo. Tibi Fama… Praegnabit; rapiesque novem de mon… Et pariet modulos Echo repetita N…
HOW vainly men themselves amaze To win the palm, the oak, or bays, And their uncessant labours see Crown’d from some single herb or t… Whose short and narrow-verged shad…
Consurgit Luparae Dum non imitabi… Escuriale ingens uritur in vidia.
song Fauc1 First. [Chorus. Endymion. Luna.] Chorus. Th’ Astrologers own Eyes are set,
Quis posthac chartae committat sen… Si sua crediderit Fata subesse st… Conscia si prodat Seribentis Lite… Quicquid & in vita plus latuis… Flexibus in calami tamen omnia spo…