

You grew up being the girl who always got straight A’s.
Never failed one test or skip one day of extracurricular lessons.
You reasonably tried to achieve your parent’s expectations.
You wanted to be the golden girl for them, who never fails.
Not only academically speaking, but the way you behaved.
You skipped the parties, the drinking, you dressed as they wanted.
To the point you didn’t know who you were; you just wanted to please.
College was only trying to get a degree, even if that wasn’t your dream.
Then you have to be on your own. You move away from your parents.
Without knowing who you are now that you’re alone, is terrifying.
You’re in the strangest stage of your life; every decision is yours.
And unfortunately, without knowing who you are, you make mistakes.
Mistakes that mark your life permanently, and you can’t overcome them.
They won’t let you sleep, the guilt, the fear, every single nightmare.
You went from the golden girl to someone who gets easily manipulate.
And now your parents are afraid you can’t handle the world by yourself.
That maybe you’re safer in the nest they built for you, a place of peace.
But you never knew peace; all you did was try to please everyone else.
And that’s what you’re still doing, even if you’re destroying your life.
You want to make everyone else happy, and you play their game.
You need to set boundaries; otherwise, they’ll always get what they want.
Everyone will use you and leave you alone with your degree or job.
You have to rely only on yourself because this world will screw you over.
You need to heal but without help, or they will call you a burden.
And the process is not easy, is painful, but you have to find your inner peace.
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