Ana-M M - Kytzza

Losses and wins by Ana-M M

A Mother’s love will always try to fill the void

1. In shadows cast by the absent father’s void,
A mother’s strength, unwavering, employed.
She’s both the anchor and the guiding light,
In her embrace, we find the strength to fight.
2. For in the pain of his departed role,
Her love and care become the heart and soul.
A mother’s arms, they hold us close and tight,
Replacing what we missed in the dark of night.
3. She wears the shoes of both a mother and a dad,
In her, we find the love we’ve never had.
Her strength, a beacon in life’s turbulent sea,
Guiding, protecting, teaching us to be free.
4. Though one was absent, the other’s love prevails,
With courage, determination, she sets our sails.
The pain may linger, but her love runs deep,
A mother’s strength and love, forever we keep.
5. A father’s absence, like a silent storm,
Leaves questions unanswered, emotions warm.
The void it creates, an ache within the heart,
A puzzle piece missing, keeping us apart.
6. In the absence of a father’s steady hand,
We navigate life’s labyrinth, barely stand.
Yet, in the mother’s strength, we find our grace,
And slowly heal the emptiness we face.
7. The missed father figure, a presence lost,
A mentor, guide, at an unfathomable cost.
But a mother’s love, so fierce and true,
Fills the void and helps us grow anew.
8. The impact lingers, a lifelong quest,
But in the love of a mother, we find rest.
She’s both the roots and the wings we need,
To thrive, to heal, to bloom, to succeed.
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