#AmericanWriters #FemaleWriters
In memory of Father Flye, 1884-19… The strange and wonderful are too… The protea of the antipodes—a grea… globed, blazing honeybee of a bloo… for sale in the supermarket! We ar…
For whatever did it’the cider at the Ship Inn, where the crowd from the bar that night had overfl… singing into Southey’s Corner,… an early warning of appendicitis’…
Like the foghorn that’s all lung, the wind chime that’s all percussi… like the wind itself, that’s merel… in a terrible fret, without so muc… as a finger to articulate
While the sun stops, or seems to, to define a term for the indeterminable, the human aspect, here in the West Village, spindles
cold nights on the farm, a sock-sh… stove-warmed flatiron slid under the covers, mornings a damascene– sealed bizarrerie of fernwork decades ago now
The magpie and the bowerbird, its… predilection unheard of by Marco… when he came upon, high in Badakhs… that blue stone’s embedded glint of pyrites, like th…
Tufts, follicles, grubstake biennial rosettes, a low– life beach-blond scruff of couch grass: notwithstanding the interglinting dregs
Nothing’s certain. Crossing, on… the low-tide-uncovered isthmus, sc… the scree-slope of what at high ti… will be again an island, to where, a decade since well-bein…
The West Village by then was chan… the rundown brownstones at its far… would have slipped into trendier h… impervious to trends, behind a pot… rubber trees, with three cats, a c…
A vagueness comes over everything, as though proving color and contou… alike dispensable: the lighthouse extinct, the islands’ spruce-tips drunk up like milk in the
Force of reason, who shut up the s… foul Furies in the dungeon of the… led whimpering to the cave they li… beneath the rock your city founder… who, equivocating, taught revenge…
While you walk the water’s edge, turning over concepts I can’t envision, the honking buoy serves notice that at any time the wind may change,
An ingenuity too astonishing to be quite fortuitous is this bog full of sundews, sphagnum… lines and shaped like a teacup. A step
a stone at dawn cold water in the basin these walls’ rough plaster imageless after the hammering
past parentage or gender beyond sung vocables the slipped-between the so infinitesimal fault line