Hangman’s hands laid in this tomb… Imp of Satan’s getting, whom an Ancient legend says that woman Never bore-he owed his birth To Sin herself. From Hell to Ear…
It was a solemn rite as e’er Was seen by mortal man. The celebrants, the people there, Were all Republican. There Estee bent his grizzled hea…
O, hadst thou died when thou wert… When at thy feet a nation knelt To sob the gratitude it felt And thank the Saviour of the Stat… Gods might have envied thee thy fa…
To flatter your way to the goad of… O plausible Mr. Perkins, You’ll need ten tons of the softes… And butter a thousand firkins. The soap you could put to a better…
Fear not in any tongue to call Upon the Lord-He’s skilled in all… But if He answereth my plea He speaketh one unknown to me.
You may say they won’t grow, and s… Say it again till you’re sick of t… Get up on your ear, blow your blar… And hire a hall to proclaim it; an… May stand on a stump with a lifted…
DRAMATIS PERSONAE. ST. JOHN _a Presidential Candi… MCDONALD _a Defeated Aspirant… MRS. HAYES _an Ex-President_ PITTS-STEVENS _a Water Nymp…
Hail, blessed Blunder! golden ido… Clay-footed deity of all who fail. Celestial image, let thy glory shi… Thy feet concealing, but a lamp to… Let me, at seasons opportune and f…
As in a dream, strange epitaphs I… Inscribed on yet unquarried stone, Where wither flowers yet unstrown The Campo Santo of the time to be…
O statesmen, what would you be at, With torches, flags and bands? You make me first throw up my hat, And then my hands.
You say, John Irish, Mr. Taylor… A painted beard. Quite likely tha… And sure 'tis natural you spend yo… On what has been least merciful to… By Taylor’s chin, if I am not mis…
‘The world is dull,’ I cried in m… ‘Its myths and fables are no longe… ’Roll back thy centuries, O Fathe… To Greece transport me in her gol… 'Give back the beautiful old Gods…
Your influence, my friend, has gat… To east and west its tides encroac… There’ll be, on all God’s foot-st… No clean spot left for God to set…
Megaceph, chosen to serve the Sta… In the halls of legislative debate… One day with his credentials came To the capitol’s door and announce… The doorkeeper looked, with a comi…
“YOU know, my friends, with what… I made a second marriage in my hou… Divorced old barren Reason from m… And took the Daughter of the Vine… So sang the Lord of Poets. In a…