Mommy’s little girl
not anymore
the world’s grown, spoiled woman
I’m aware:
I have too much privilege choking me
I cannot breathe
I am aware:
I take things for granted
Or maybe grant takes my things unwillingly
I am aware:
I can be an asshole
Sometimes I have no control over what comes out of my mouth
I am aware:
I can be a tad-little manipulative
I can sit here and feed you bullshit, and you will still eat it and say it’s the most delicious meal you have ever tasted
I can make you feel like taking your head off your neck and smashing it to pieces, but I can still make you feel like the sky is your personal runway, the rainbow your glorious half-ring gifted to you by me, the universe your limitless playground that you can make all sorts of plays in
I can’t help it
I have only the view of me
forgive me
I can never see you,
not in the way you want to be seen
but isn’t this fun?
if not for me, for you?
always trying to make me dance to your music
getting frustrated when I can’t learn the steps
giving up on me
then coming back again
hoping to finally save me this time around?
#Priviledge check, asshole check, narcissist check #amandanechesa