Allan Robinson


Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to all the readers of my poems

The weather cold and the nights are drawing near,
Its getting very dark this time of the year.
Summer has said goodbye and autumn has arrived,
With leaves of golden brown laying on the ground.
The birds are flying away from the nest to warmer
Climate that they’ll know is best.
Its time for winter woollies without a doubt,
Because of the early morning frost is about.
Covering hedges with its crispy cold,
Exposing secret spiders and there homes.
Coats, thick socks and shoes,
Should keep away them winter blues.
Warm hat, scarf and cloves, the
Snow will fall from heavens above.
When snow begins to fall around,
Thick white blanket on the ground.
Children in winter cannot feel the cold,
As they throw snowballs in the snow.
With sledges up the hill they climb,
come flying down one two three at a time.
Christmas comes this time of year
When it does it brings good cheer
With a little Old man and eight reindeer’s.
Presents are opened dinner is cooked
Our Christmas with family fully booked
Darkness beckons and the black of night its time for
Bed on this cold dark festive winters night.
© Copyright 2014 Allan Robinson


Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to all the readers of my poems


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