#Americans #Women
I’M glad I have but a little hear… For my heart is very small’ It makes it free to come and go And no one cares at all. I give my heart for a tender word,
THE highest apple swinging in the… Fell in my two hands, eagerly upli… For though I knew its height was… Still I would have it. Now I am wise with centuries of w…
DEAR, O desolate bright head! O drooping mouth and shaken chin! How could I ever lock you in? They were too harsh, the words I… Should I have only smiled, instea…
DEBORAH and Christopher brough… Kenton brought me buttercups with… But Michael brought an autumn lea… A wan leaf, a ghost leaf, beautifu… Death in all loveliness, fragile a…
IF I had loved you more God woul… He would never have left me here i… Left me to go on my knees to the d… Crying in vain for a little sight… How could I know that the earth w…
HE has taken away the things that… Love and youth and the harp that k… Laughter alone is left of all the… Does He mean that I may fill my d… Or will it, too, slip through my f…
Kenton and Deborah, Michael and… These are fine children as all the… But into my arms in my dreams ever… Come Peter and Christopher, Fait… Kenton is tropical, Rose is pure…
WHY don’t you go back to the sea,… I am not one who would hold you; The sea is the woman you really lo… So let hers be the arms that fold… Your bright blue eyes are sailor’s…
THE web flew out and floated wide… Poor lady! I was with her then. She gathered up her piteous pride, But she could never weave again. The mirror cracked from side to si…
MY garden walks were smooth and g… And edged with box trees left and… An old grey sun-dial stood between Two rounded bee hives, low and whi… My hollyhocks grew tall and red,
IF I had a lover, now, who would… Yourself with your laughter, your… Yet I’d know when you kissed me y… But kneeling in tears at a lost la… Or if I should seek him who loves…
I HAVE a harp of many strings But two are enough for me: One is for love and one for death; And what would the third one be? Before I learn another note
MICHAEL walks in autumn leaves Rustling leaves and fading grasses… And his little music-box Tinkles faintly as he passes. It’s a gay and jaunty tune
BECAUSE I show a guarded face To all the world but one or two, And in my heart’s most secret plac… Consider lilies, why should you Whose roses grow in common ground
I CAN never remake the thing I h… I brushed the golden dust from the… I called down wind to shatter the… I did a terrible thing. I feared that the cup might fall,…