#English #Women
The leaves are many under my feet, And drift one way. Their scent of death is weary and… A flight of them is in the grey Where sky and forest meet.
My heart shall be thy garden. Com… Into thy garden; thine be happy ho… Among my fairest thoughts, my tall… From root to crowning petal, thine… Thine is the place from where the…
(I) PROMETHEUS 1- IT was the south: mid-everything, - Mid-land, mid-summer, noon ; -
O Spring, I know thee! Seek for… In the young children’s eyes. But I have learnt the years, and… Leaf-folded violet. Mine ear, awake to silence, can fo…
I come from nothing; but from wher… Come the undying thoughts I bear? Down, through the long links of de… From the past poets of the earth, My immortality is there.
She walks—the lady of my delight— A shepherdess of sheep. Her flocks are thoughts. She keep… She guards them from the steep. She feeds them on the fragrant hei…
There’s a feast undated, yet Both our true lives hold it fast,— Even the day when we first met. What a great day came and passed, —Unknown then, but known at last.
New delights to our desire The singers of the past can yield. I lift mine eyes to hill and field… And see in them your yet dumb lyre… poets unborn and unrevealed.
Rich meanings of the prophet-Spri… Unseen, this colourless sky of fol… And folded winds; no blossom in th… A poet’s face asleep in this grey… Now in the midst of the old world…
Home, home from the horizon far an… Hither the soft wings sweep; Flocks of the memories of the day… The dovecote doors of sleep. Oh which are they that come throug…
On London fell a clearer light; Caressing pencils of the sun Defined the distances, the white Houses transfigured one by one, The 'long, unlovely street’ impear…
One wept whose only child was dead… New-born, ten years ago. “Weep not; he is in bliss,” they s… She answered, “Even so, ”Ten years ago was born in pain
I must not think of thee; and, tir… I shun the love that lurks in all… The love of thee—and in the blue h… And in the dearest passage of a so… Oh, just beyond the sweetest thoug…
Listen, and when thy hand this pap… O time-worn woman, think of her wh… What thy thin fingers touch, with… O mother, for the weight of years… O daughter, for slow time must yet…
Your own fair youth, you care so l… Smiling toward Heaven, you would… Of time and change upon your hapie… I keep your golden hour, and will… If ever, in time to come, you woul…