#Americans #Women
DEAR, if you love me, hold me mo… Chosen from out the many who would… Your gladness gladly - heavily you… Who best can sympathize, best comp… Where others fail; who, breathless…
YES, you have guessed it. Do not… Indeed, I did not dream, 0 tender… When first we met, that in a littl… My words would dim you with pain’s… Do not reproach me, for I suffer…
ON these brown rocks the waves di… As when our fathers saw them first… If such a one could come again and… This ancient haven in its latter d… These haughty palaces and gardens…
O FRANCE, with what a shamed an… We now recall that in a bygone day We sought of you art, wit, perfect… You were to us a playground and a… Paris was ours - its sudden green…
Her old love in tears and silence… Ringed by moats and flanked with t… ‘Here,’ he said, 'will come no whi… In these granite walls imprisoned,… As he spoke along the highway ther…
I WANTED you to come to-day Or so I told you in my letter And yet, if you had stayed away, I should have liked you so much be… I should have sipped my tea unseen…
THE great religions, like men gre… Draw to them even those of hostile… Many a barbarian in Athens knew The temple porches who was grossly… To any god save one long left behi…
ONLY the stars remain to travele… Unalterable; the waters change the… Beneath the flattery of alien skie… From jade to silver and from bronz… Sunrise and sunset spread their lo…
Oft on my way, my daily task pursu… Meet I two fairy figures face to… Beauty and Peace, who smile on me… All else I see with something of… Not in my youth did I their shape…
THE rustling palms bend readily Between the sun and me; The trades blow warm and steadily Across the turquoise sea; But I’d rather feel the March win…
TRAINED nurses, trained nurses… Trained nurses by night, trained n… In the corridors, on the stair, Looking for towels, carrying a tra… Saying, 'you mustn’t,' ‘you must,’…
‘ Some Cupid kills with arrows, s… I WRITE for those, of whom I kn… Young, pretty, and a little bit fl… Who would do even more harm, if th… The science of the Art of being G…
ON summer evenings when the full… Serene and fair, High in the crystal air, On hillsides deep in birches and i… Then in all hearts there stirs a h…
(' Women are often tempters to sexual sin and delight in it. . . A recent report of a female probation officer relates that some of the girls who, as we may say euphemistically’ had gon...
HE: I am in trouble, give me your… SHE: No, for I’m sure 'twould no… HE: It shall, I swear it shall,… SHE:If that’s agreed, what is th… HE:How can I win a woman who is…