As I was walking Alone by the sea, ‘_What is that whisper?_’ Said Merlin to me. ‘Only,’ I answered,
You that have gathered together th… And welded them into one, Lifting the torch of your Freedom… That sailed to the setting sun; You that have made of mankind in y…
Under an arch of glorious leaves… Out of the wood and saw the sickle… Floating in daylight o’er the pale… It was the quiet hour before the s… Gathers the clouds to prayer and s…
O Mystery of life, That, after all our strife, Defeats, mistakes, Just as, at last, we see The road to victory,
(new jersey, 1918) Its quiet graves were made for pea… Those wise old elms could hear no… Of all that distant agony— Only the red-winged blackbird, and…
BUT where’s the brown drifter tha… —Roll and go, and fare you well— ‘ Was her name Peggy Nutten? ’ That name is my own.
Black-veiled, black-gowned, she ri… With eyes that fill too listlessly… Her waxen hands clasp and unclasp… _Good News_, they cry. She neithe… Good News, perhaps, may crown som…
‘If I could whisper you all I kno… Said the Old Fool in the Wood, ‘You’d never say that green leaves… You’d say, ‘Ah, what a happy mood The Master must be in today,
I tell you a tale to-night Which a seaman told to me, With eyes that gleamed in the lant… And a voice as low as the sea. You could almost hear the stars
The man who discovered the use of… _Odds—bobs— What a wonderful man!_ He used to sit down on it, tearing… Till he thought of a highly origin…
There’s a barrel-organ carolling a… In the City as the sun sinks low; And the music’s not immortal; but… And fulfilled it with the sunset g… And it pulses through the pleasure…
Give me the sunlight and the sea And who shall take my heaven from… Light of the Sun, Life of the Su… O happy, bold companion, Whose golden laughters round me ru…
I found a dreadful acre of the dea… Marked with the only sign on earth… The wings of death were hurrying o… The loose earth shook on those unq… For the deep gun-pits, with quick…
(After a glimpse of a certain monu… Victory Celebration) The thousand-windowed towers were… Throngs of all nations filled that… And, rich with dreams of the appro…
(WHAT THE GHOSTS SAID.) And after all the labour and the p… After the heaping up of gold on go… After success that locked your fee… And left you with a heart so tired…