Why couldn’t I have you Before all the rest Why is it now That I’m feeling second best Never tested the waters
my love what else is there left to… you have stopped our love along th… begging and pleading please don’t… don’t allow time to stop us from b… cause i can’t bear the thought of…
Turned into a monster Due to my own dismay Stomping over And crushing Everything dear to my heart
if only you were more original your love has become so seasonal it expires every four months to make room for another bunch
Like a tree entering winter You fall like a leaf From my mind Gracefully landing Into my heart
if you can’t hear when i say it i’ll write it so you can bear it she could of been my main attracti… matter of fact most prized possess… but right now she’s quite the dist…
Disarmed by your grace By her gentle rough touch She can soothe the devils soul Destroying the demons Bring on forth the light
you could spot that smile miles and miles away... like a hearth in your heart exerting the fire and flame cloaked in her warmth
all the world is a stage everyone has a part to play quite unfortunate but true in order to survive, in order to g… in order to not pass life’s curfew
her body cries out, every drop of sweat... tears of her energy, turning you on... making you wet breathtaking harmonics,
get every bit of you that flows in… and have it dissipated from my lun… keep me on life support.... insert the needle into my main vei… and extract all the blood that you…
Crawling into the darkness, This deep, dark hole. I know where this leads, And yet With all the knowledge I know,
We all live a life That’s inconceivable Take a good look It’s unbelievable The lies, the games