It has stopped me with purpose On purpose What did I do to deserve this Oh yes I live where absurd is
I like her But she likes him I see thier eyes And thier grins Will she share
Work hard to Love her and Yourself Don’t be concerned With every body else
Two men went into the woods To make peace with the earth and w… The fire burned in the middle As they spoke to each other Then the secret was exposed
My vernacular is Far from spectacular. In my arrangement I’ll never change it. But I’m always after her,
My bed makes my body ache And this cannot last. I made a huge mistake Thinking of the past. Swimming in a frozen lake,
My dreams sit on the wall. It helps them not to fall. Through the cracks in my head. I want this but that comes instead… I am how I am.
The beginning is coming here Where we used to play Sometimes we would laugh Or walk all day Then our feet would rise from the…
I saw you... You saw me I saw you Then God was born Helen
Huhges questioned A dream deferred I read it Then my dream occurred Just do
In the worst time I always loose focus All these great lines How do I show this Can you rewind
Most of the time hard work goes unnoticed. But in the mind I must stay focused. It’s yours, not mine
I feel it everywhere But yet I only care How I’m getting there That’s mine and They have theirs
My brain is on a Manual shift From the words that fall From your lips Come on now
Sometimes we just have to leap Eyes closed Over a river so deep When we erase our thoughts Inside our minds