That is a new poem Written by AIdo Kraas
Women when I needed you the Most you wore there Every day Taking care of me Women I am old now
Who knows What the weather Will be tomorrow Because today We had all day
Stay with me My Father Because I been depress For a long time Because you have
Father You are always going To be number 1 In my live Also father I need you
You make easy for me To want to live every single day And not gamble with my life Because I have no rights to do th… You make easy for me
Nice to meet you Summer You finally brought to us Also you don’t know how Happy you made us
I have fallen in love With the new country That I call home It is Canada I must say
Nobody will lose Faith on earth because God Will help everybody on earth to ke… Just by asking God If everybody do that
I wish I could be with you now Because my life is always empty wi… But at the same time I keep running out of time That is my fault
It doesn’t matter to me What the rich people thinks About the poor I know that the rich people hate t… Poor
How do you want Your life to be Do you want To be a Christian Also black people
Inside of Aldo’s life The curtain doesn’t rise anymore After 14 years And it is so painful for me to see… And to live with the fall every si…
Knock on wood I am sleeping just fine Knock on wood I can cook for myself And the food that I cook is not f…
My free mind is allowed to think For myself and nobody else My free mind sends me messages That I can chose to share with my… Or keep it to myself
He is feeling so unloved in this w… And the truth is, that he knows th… It seems to me like a sad life tha… He desperately wants love And doesn’t care who from