That is an old poem Written by Aldo Kraas
I believe I will die In peace some day And If God calls me I will be ready for him I don’t have good health anymore
I still want my God To keep me Alive every single day That is all I need From my God
My worthless song Is good for nothing But I keep trying it any way Because inside of me There is a voice that is telling m…
You are feeling tired tonight After a long drive in the car From work All the way back home And
Deep in December Is time to have A white Christmas So that the kids can make Snowman
What’s on my mind now Is sleep And I know I slept badly this nig… Because I woke up at 12: 00 am And outside it is dark
It is me people That was made By my beloved Father A long time ago
Where you been Father I am happy that I am Your black child Black people we all Have one father
Intuition abandon me Finally Today But before I had the intuition that
350 days in a year To dream At night 350 days in a year To go out and make friends
Some kind of ghosts Are living in my dreams But I don’t know if it is the gho… Also they have a scary face And that is all I know
She has Pretty eyes The color of the sea Her eyes are green Also her eyes shines in the sun
I don’t understand Why so many people Walked out of my life And left me alone I am now living in Isolation
Bon jour Thanks for bringing The new day Very early this morning Dear Father
That shoes Fits me like a glove Thanks God Because that Shoes I love very much