African Child

Picture perfect

By: African Child

I wish I could have photographed the reflection
of the moon on the water,
The amazing beauty of God’s creation!
As the moon draws it’s strength and light from the sun
So is it to man and God.
Without Him, there is no beauty to reflect
Only dullness and mindlessness.
If I could paint God........................................
I would run short of magnificent colour
The skill of a renowned painter
would not be sufficient
This God is too omnipotent to be
contained on a canvass,
Too pure to be imitated;
His grandeur is most marvelous in
the eyes of the beholder.
God’s love for man is the clearest picture
one can ever reflect of God
And that too is too profound to be painted.........
Too divine to be intellectually analysed.
The most beautiful lyrics could never illustrate
The magnitude of His infinite wisdom and splendour.
Yet the reflection of the moon on the
water is but a glimpse
Of evidence of His watchful eye and attentive ear.
Etmol (yesterday) hayom (today)
mahar (tomorrow) El Gadol (God is great).


Hebrew ending, I just liked it! ;)

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