Never the nightingale, Oh, my dear, Never again the lark Thou wilt hear; Though dusk and the morning still
Behold her, Running through the waves Eager to reach the land; The water laps her, Sun and wind are on her,
Is it as plainly in our living sho… By slant and twist, which way the…
Force and bluster? Mighty threate… Scorn I lightly, - Not for these. Tell me when shall great Orion Catch the flying Pleuades?
Fate Defied As it Were tissue of silver I’ll wear, O fate, thy grey, And go mistily radiant, clad
My songs to sell, sweet maid! I pray you buy. Here’s one will win a lady’s tears… Here’s one will make her gay, Here’s one will charm your true lo…
What words Are left thee then Who hast squandered on thy Forgetfulness eternity’s I Love?
Still as On windless nights The moon-cast shadows are, So still will be my heart when I Am dead.
Every day, Every day, Tell the hours By their shadows, By their shadows.
Seen on a night in November How frail Above the bulk Of crashing water hangs, Autumn, evanescent, wan,
Thou beautiful and ivory gates That shut my tears away from me - Even, at last, such refuge yield That great, safe doors of Ebony.
‘WHY do You thus devise Evil against her?’ ‘For that She is beautiful, delicate; Therefore.’
Heard ye the maidens Went through the meadows, Early, O, early, While yet the dew was Wet on the grass?
Pain ebbs, And like cool balm, An opiate weariness Settles on eye-lids, on relaxed Pale wrists.
Scarlet the poppies Blue the corn-flowers, Golden the wheat. Gold for the Eternal: Blue for Our Lady: